

Otinova is use for the treatment of ear canal inflammation or eczema also known as swimmers ear or otitis externa. Spraying in the ear canal, it has an astringent, dehydrating effect and helps alleviate itching. As it has a mixture of Burow’s solution, it also effective for treating ear fungus or otomycosis.
Burow’s solution is an astringent mixture of aluminium acetate, aluminium acetotartrate, acetic acid and water.

Otinova® should not be used by children younger than 5 years of age unless recommended by a doctor.

How To Use
Spray 1–2 times into the ear canal, morning and evening. After spraying, tilt the head for a minute or two so that the fluid flows down into the ear canal. Wipe away any excess fluid.

Do not use Otinova® for a continuous period of more than 7 days. Do not use with a perforated ear drum or after insertion of tubes or ‘grommets’.

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